Has anyone the right to disturb our energetic field?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Has anyone the right to disturb our energetic field?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Imagine a beautiful family ... 3 kids ... very well arranged and a beautiful lady is coming in the life of the husband ... that decides to not miss the chance of changing and redefining all the aspects of his his life ... with the amazing lady that he just met ... and is fall in love with.

Is it moral what is going on?!

Is it really right as the husband to abandon his wife and his 3 kids ... because of the huge temptation for a new life ... that will probably be much better than what he has now?!

And the real question is ... has that lady the right to fuck the energetic field ... with all the connections between its members ... for the illusion of a better tomorrow?!

Well ... i won’t answer ... and just let you meditate over the subject ... but let me ask you about a similar scenario with the little difference that the connection between wife and husband is already fucked?!

Has the lady the right to interfere in the life of a married ... but unhappy man?!

Has she the right to ... steal that man?!

Or ... again ... is it immoral?!

Maybe the meaning of that beautiful lady is just to remind to


the wife that ... unless she redefines the ugly relationship she has with the husband ... she ... or any other lady ... will reappear one day ... and steal that man ... even if he is a married person.

But my real question is ... this 3rd person ... is she a positive of a negative character in the life of that family with 3 kids?!

That amazing woman ... just enters into that energetic field of that family and might be in the end a person that is redefining their life forever.

The couple might divorce ... or might decide to restart their lives and try to be happy together.

Both options will have a huge impact on them ... on all of them ... the husband, the wife ... the kids ... but also that lady.

She might not be happy feeling that her new partner is still in connection with his ex wife and the 3 kids ... but she also might realize that her role was a karmic one ... the one of restarting or fucking the connections of a family.

I remember that when i was a kid ... i was hearing my grandma speaking with her friends ... the other old ladies that lived on the same street with us ... speaking about a scenario similar with the one i told you about ... and saying .... “The Devil entered into their family. Everything will be fucked up .... unfortunately”.

So ... is the lady ... an angel or a daemon?!

There are many real case scenarios like this ... all around the world ... but we should also keep in mind after defining this situation ... that sometimes ... karma is just playing around with us in many, many situations.

... but the lessons of life must be understood.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my lifewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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